(~ software sucks)

Pot-pourri — Mai 2024

Publié le 06-06-2024
Table des matières

Google being google

Chromium Blog: Manifest V2 phase-out begins

Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation

La fête du Lisp

Common Lisp for shell scripting

A Road to Common Lisp

How To Explore Lisp Metaprogramming Techniques


This Week in AI: OpenAI moves away from safety

Scarlett Johansson says Altman insinuated that AI soundalike was intentional

Windows now has AI-powered copy and paste

Microsoft Copilot+ Recall feature 'privacy nightmare'

Slack, l’IA et sa version de l’opt-out

Le règlement IA adopté, la fuite en avant techno-solutionniste peut se poursuivre

Stack Overflow users sabotage their posts after OpenAI deal


Queueing – An interactive study of queueing strategies

Stripe's monorepo developer environment

The latest in Web UI (Google I/O ‘24)

What Firefox trains are we in?

Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQL

TLA⁺ Unicode support

The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it's damaging our health – this is why burnout happens

My BDFL guiding principles

Cyberattaque : France Travail avait identifié la faille mais ne l’a pas corrigée à temps

Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups

How We Migrated Our Static Analyzer From Java to Rust

NULL BITMAP Builds a Database #1: The Log is Literally the Database

The worst bug we faced at Antithesis

Homoiconic Python