>_ Software sucks

Pot pourris de Décembre

Publié le 2023-12-30

# Pour passer le temps

>_ Brickception

# C'est tout nouveau

>_ Django 5.0 release notes

>_ AsyncAPI 3.0.0 Release Notes

>_ SQLite - JSONB has landed

>_ Ruby 3.3.0 Released

# Encore du SQL

>_ The Case of a Curious SQL Query

>_ Jepsen - MySQL 8.0.34

>_ Transaction Isolation in Postgres, explained

# AÏe

>_ Cory Doctorow: What Kind of Bubble is AI?

>_ À la Matmut, quand un nouveau logiciel rend le travail impossible

>_ 🎥 Google's Gemini just made GPT-4 look like a baby’s toy?

>_ 🎥 The Gemini Lie

# Misc

>_ OpenAPI & AsyncAPI $ref: Advanced Guide

>_ Edge Case Poisoning

>_ I Redesigned the ENTIRE Steam UI from Scratch

>_ 🎥 You probably won’t survive 2024... Top 10 Tech Trends

>_ Why is Jepsen Written in Clojure?

>_ On the Importance of RFCs in Programming

>_ The Source of Readability

>_ How does B-tree make your queries fast?

>_ Advice for new software devs who've read all those other advice essays

>_ Adobe abandons $20 billion acquisition of Figma

>_ Counterexamples in Type Systems

>_ The beauty of finished software

>_ Just.sh - Compile Justfiles to portable shell scripts

>_ Slack - Executing Cron Scripts Reliably At Scale

>_ Calendrier de l'avent des choses liées au boulot

>_ 🎥 How Jusant Makes Rock-Climbing More Immersive

>_ 🎥 La norme 5G est une mafia

>_ 8 months of OCaml after 8 years of Haskell in production

>_ The Uncommon Advantage from Training in Unpopular Programming Languages

>_ 4 billion if statements

>_ Boost Your Workflow: Exploring Git Worktrees

>_ 🎥 GitHub actions feels bad

>_ 🎥 Eric Wastl – Advent of Code: Behind the Scenes

>_ 🎧 Céline : 18 ans d'exploration technique et humaine dans l'informatique